Thursday 29 May 2008

Sarah Jessica Parker - Parker Tried To Quit Sex And The City

Actress SARAH JESSICA PARKER begged her agent to terminate her SEX AND THE CITY contract after signing up for the role.

The star was enjoying life dipping in and out of various New York projects and baulked at the prospect of being tied to a TV show for an entire series.

Her anxiety reached such a critical point, she called her agent in a panic and urged him to talk Sex And The City bosses out of recruiting her.

She says, "I had a wonderful life in New York. I was doing theatre and movies, had plenty of free time and regularly saw my friends - so I was in a panic when I was told that I'd need to be around for regular filming.

"No one could calm me down. I kept thinking, 'What can I do to escape?' I'd call my agent, begging, 'You have to get me out of this. I don't care what it takes. Even if I'm broke on the street, I can't do Sex And The City as a series.'"

However, she's relieved she didn't act on her irrational fears, following the show's phenomenal success.

She adds, "The result, of course, is that they got me on the set for the first day and I never looked back."

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